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Help every student in the Waldo area begin the school year with the supplies they need to succeed! Join us in making a difference in the lives of local families by donating backpacks full of school supplies.


Ways to Donate

Order supplies online for our team to assemble by August 14th.

Drop off at Restore’s Waldo Campus on Sundays between July 14th-August 3rd or at one of our Community Partners during their normal business hours.


Community Partners


Online Donations

Waldo K-1st Backpack of Supplies
Waldo 2nd-4th Grade Backpack of Supplies

Supply Lists Per Grade Level

refer to these lists and drop off supplies in person OR

Order supplies online and have them shipped directly to us!


Feature 1

1 book bag
1 supply box
1 glue stick or 8 oz. bottle washable glue
1 pair of blunt-tipped scissors
1 large pink eraser
12 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
1 box of 24 count crayons
1 pocket folder
2 boxes of tissue


Feature 2

1 book bag
1 supply box
1 glue stick or 8 oz. bottle washable glue 1 pair of scissors
1 large pink eraser
12 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
1 box of 24 count crayons
1 highlighter
1 ruler with inches and metrics
3 pocket folders
1 package of loose leaf wide ruled paper 3 wide rule spiral notebooks
1 composition notebook (journal)
2 boxes of tissue


Feature 3

1 book bag
1 supply box or pencil pouch
1 glue stick or 8 oz. bottle washable glue
1 pair of scissors
1 large pink eraser
12 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
1 box colored pencils
1 box of 24 count crayons
1 red checking pen
1 highlighter
2 blue or black ballpoint pens
1 ruler with inches and metrics
3 pocket folders
1 package of loose leaf wide ruled paper
3 wide rule spiral notebooks
1 composition notebook (journal)
1 3 ring binder
2 boxes of tissue




Rally Day | july 20th 9:30am-12:00pm

Rally Day is when we rally together to distribute donation bags door to door throughout our neighborhood. Grab some bags and head out into the community!

Restore Community Church - Waldo
8107 Holmes Rd Kansas City, MO 64131

Packing day | AUG 10th 10:00am-1:00pm

Help pack backpacks full of supplies for hundreds of children in our community! We will sort donated school supplies and prepare backpacks for delivery.

Restore Community Church - Waldo
8107 Holmes Rd Kansas City, MO 64131

Pass Out | Aug 15th: 6pm

Deliver backpacks full of supplies to schools to be distributed to families in need.

Restore Community Church - Waldo
8107 Holmes Rd Kansas City, MO 64131